Your body is a living, breathing organism. It is made up of a complex compilation of cells that rely on one another to function. Body systems intertwine to allow us to move, to digest, to breathe, to think, all simultaneously. However, when the body is out of balance, dis-ease occurs. Acute flare up’s such as a cold, the flu, a rash or acute pain is the body’s way of sending a warning signal that something needs to be corrected. These flare ups often progress to chronic conditions if the underlying cause is not addressed effectively. Naturopathy encompasses the whole body, treating the human form as a complete system. Initial consults delve into the imbalances that are occurring and the body systems that are being affected. More often than not, a certain condition can affect the body in a multitude of ways, and by discovering the underlying cause we can assist the body to find its harmonic rhythm once again. The use of natural substances such as herbal medicines, vitamins and minerals in the form of foods, teas and tinctures can assist the body to re-establish its natural state. Energetic medicines such as flower essences, tissue salts and crystals may also be incorporated into the healing process if the body is required to heal on an energetic or emotional level as well as physical.
‘Health is the harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the human entity on the physical, mental, moral and spiritual planes of being.’ - Henry Lindlahr, 1917. Taking a holistic approach means taking physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health into consideration to allow the body to heal on all levels of being. The multidimensional approach to healing, reflects the complexity of the human organism. Through herbal medicine, lifestyle recommendations and nutritional support, we aim to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal. Each person is unique, therefore each person deserves an individual treatment plan, which is tailored to meet your goals in a practical and purposeful way. Naturopathy provides education and empowerment for individuals to take health into their own hands. Through empowering an individual we allow radical change to take place, allowing you to feel better than you ever thought was possible. The underlying principle of naturopathy is ‘vis medicatrix nature’, Latin for ‘the healing power of nature.’ The human form comes with many self-correcting mechanisms, and these come into play when given the right conditions to thrive. Fresh foods, clean water, a swim in the ocean, wandering through nature and soaking up some sunshine are key elements in establishing the basis of health. Allowing the body to get in touch with its natural environment allows synchronisation with the natural rhythms of life. Rise with the sun, nourish the body, take rest when needed and allow time for play and laughter. Some concerns which may lead you to consult a naturopath include, but are not limited to; - digestive disturbances, bloating, indigestion, gut mircoflora dysbiosis - low energy, adrenal fatigue, insomnia - hormonal imbalances, painful menstruation, reproductive support - chronic immunodeficiency, recurrent colds/flu, allergies - liver support - weight management If you are ready to commit to your health, get in contact today to book a consult. I look forward to working with you to achieve your optimum wellbeing. In nourishment and support, Chelsea
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